Koa Life is a trusted website for breast cancer patients, survivors and caregivers. This website personalizes content based on the person's age, location and type of breast cancer.
Trust is paramount at Koa Life. Information is vetted by breast cancer doctors and Champions for recency and accuracy. Topics are divided into 4 sections: diagnosis, treatment, survivorship and caregiving. We help loved ones caring for a breast cancer friend or family member. Koa Life helps people after a diagnosis and every stage after.
Champions are the backbone of Koa Life. They are volunteers who nominate articles, videos and services. In return, Champions earn points and prizes. Learn how to submit your first resource today.
Amanda’s Story
My journey started in my 20’s. I was doing the responsible thing, getting myself checked regularly. When I felt a lump, my doctor did a biopsy and said it was nothing to worry about. Ten years later, I was diagnosed. That lump I found had turned into cancer.
I wish my story was filled with vulnerability, support, and compassion – but that’s not how it went. The day I got my news, I didn’t tell anyone. I was at work when I got the breast cancer diagnosis. I went numb and quietly left the office.
I had so many questions and I needed answers fast. When it comes to cancer, time is rarely on your side. How do I prepare for upcoming surgeries? What should I expect from chemo? How do I tell the people close to me? How will cancer affect my career? Should I freeze my eggs? Who can help me?
I went into auto-pilot, never giving myself time to think about what was really happening to me. I used my job as a distraction from the cancer that was taking over my body and hardly missed a day. I couldn’t turn to friends for support. Most of them were young and couldn’t relate. They were starting families, working hard, or planning their next vacation.
Over 5 years, I endured 2 lumpectomies, chemotherapy, radiation, 2 rounds of egg harvesting, reconstruction surgery and drugs to induce menopause. I developed an infection that landed me in the ER twice in one weekend and required painful treatment for weeks after. This was the first time that I let myself cry.
But as time progressed, I got stronger. I challenged myself to hike on the Kalalau Trail in Hawaii. The climb gave me a wave of inspiration and courage. As I trudged up a steep, muddy section of the trail – I felt “Koa” – Hawaiian for “brave”. I knew it was time to help others. And so, Koa Life was born.
My battle with breast cancer was lonely; too many nights were spent struggling to find information. I wanted to create a safe space where people like myself could turn for information, support, guidance and comfort at any stage of breast cancer. I also wanted to find a way for people to share their health data to help improve treatments and eventually reduce the number of times a doctor says, “you have breast cancer.”
Koa Life wants to be a trusted site to find resources for caregivers, people recently diagnosed with breast cancer, during treatment and survivorship.
- Amanda West, Koa Life Founder
Meet the Team
Amanda West
Amanda’s goal is to provide personalized and trusted resources quickly to empower breast cancer patients, survivors, caregivers and researchers. Her vision for Koa Life is a community of informed and empowered patients and researchers working together to provide the best information and knowledge. Amanda is a breast cancer survivor and has strong roots in the non-profit world and technology industry.
Keith Hamrick
Keith has over a decade of experience in the technology industry. He co-founded MemTrax, a company that delivers cloud-based neuropsychological assessments, and has worked for top global enterprise tech vendors including SAP, Salesforce, ServiceNow, and DocuSign. His experience as a co-founder coupled with his strong product experience is a perfect fit as the Head of Product for Koa Life.
Meet our Medical Experts
Emily Abe, MD
Emily Abe, MD is a fellowship trained breast surgeon at UCSF who offers personalized, patient-focused breast cancer care. She has served on the boards of non-profit organizations related to cancer research and complimentary treatments for cancer patients, and feels passionate about ensuring patients have easy, streamlined access to up-to-date, reliable information. KOA life is therefore a perfect fit to offer her expertise and knowledge.
Karen Goodwind, DO
Karen Goodwin, DO is a fellowship trained breast surgeon at UCSF. Her mission is to treat all breast cancer patients with individualized, cutting edge care. She empowers her patients to become as educated as possible throughout their diagnosis and treatment process. She has volunteered with organizations that focus on breast cancer education for both patients and physicians, which fits in with the vision of KOA life. She is excited to be a part of this innovative and incredible organization.