The Power of Genetic Testing
Tests are scary. Whether it is a math exam or a medical test, you always hope to pass and fear to fail. The test I want to talk about, is genetic testing for cancer.
I was diagnosed with breast cancer relatively early in life. Because I was adopted, I didn't have any family history to look back on to understand my risk for developing breast cancer. After speaking with my doctor, it became clear that I needed to get tested to understand my genetic risk for cancer.
The test itself was simple but waiting was rough. What if I tested positive for BRCA1 or BRCA2, which would mean I’d have a higher chance of breast cancer occurring or ovarian cancer. Thankfully, I passed the test and was clear.
Fast forward to 2019, when my doctor suggested additional testing, due to recent improvements in genetic testing’s ability to identify genetic mutations linked to cancer. I mustered up my courage and agreed to have 135 genes tested for the most common types of cancer. I asked to get the results before my trip to Hawaii, to ensure I’d have some down time to process the possible bad news.
While I was able to get some relief from my genetic test results, I know others who have used genetic tests for preventative measures against breast cancer. Kerry Lien, a colleague of mine, shared her genetic testing story that opened my eyes to the power of genetic testing for proactive treatments.
Here is Kerry Lien’s story:
While working for a Breast Cancer Awareness event at Salesforce, the organizers were giving everyone a free Color genetics test. I didn't think much of it. I ordered the test and forgot about it.
A year later, I was once again reminded of this test and thought I’d give it another try. The test was easy and I didn’t think much of it. Not until I got the results.
The results came back positive for the BRCA2 gene mutation. And though I have some history of breast cancer and ovarian cancer in my extended family, the risk of having cancer was never top of mind. I didn’t even know what BRCA Gene Mutation was, other than hearing about it via Angelina Jolie.
I immediately called a genetics counselor and received some very overwhelming news. “This gene mutation puts you at about a 70% risk of getting breast cancer and about a 30% chance of getting ovarian cancer in your lifetime.” I made an appointment with my gynecologist. She was surprised by the test results, since my relatives with cancer was removed from me (my aunt and great aunt had breast cancer from my father’s side and my grandmother had ovarian cancer on my mother’s side.) Plus, insurance doesn’t typically cover genetic tests for people who have cancer beyond a direct relative. In the spirit of being thorough, my doctor ordered another, more comprehensive genetic test called Myriad.
Unfortunately, the result also came back positive. Now it was time for some decisions.
My options were few. I could have preventative surgeries, screen more frequently (even though there isn’t good screening for ovarian cancer), or start taking medications to help combat a possible future life with cancer.
As I was going through all the options in my head, I knew I was leaning towards having the preventative surgeries. But what really cemented the decision was after a mass was found on my right breast during an MRI. I immediately opted for a biopsy, while thinking the worst.
The next 48 hours after the biopsy were tough. Emotions ran all over the place and it didn’t help that I was preparing for an important international work trip. The morning of my departure, I received a phone call from my doctor and I got the “all clear” sign.
Cue tears.
At that moment all the stress over the past few months, of doctors appointments, researching, the waiting and worrying, all came flooding out. I decided I did not want to go through this ordeal every 6 months.
It was time to remove what might one day become cancer.
After a double mastectomy with implant reconstruction and another surgery on the horizon, I am not quite healed. But having control of my future is comforting. I still have some difficulties accepting my new body, but I am looking forward to being around, a lot longer.
I know tests are not fun. But as they say, knowledge is power. Genetic testing for cancer gives you a fighting chance to stop it before it starts. My advice for others is to consult your doctor about genetic testing for breast cancer. This is for people both with breast cancer in their family or people who don’t even have a family history.